After stuggling for years to become pregnant, we were blessed to find out that we were expecting! After only 24 weeks, our daughter was born early. She only weighed 1 lb 9.2 oz. and was 13 inches long. Her chances for survival were at first an hour by hour struggle. She was in the hospital an hour away from our home for 4 1/2 months and underwent 7 surgeries before she was even supposed to be born. We would pray for the hands of the surgeons to be steady. Their hands were bigger than she was. Their fingers were bigger around than her arms and legs were. Our prayers were answered each time. She has survived so many trials. We are so happy to have her still here with us. She is a joy to everyone she meets. She still can't walk, six years later, but is making so much progress in that direction. We hope that she will be able to walk on her own someday. The March of Dimes has done so much for our family as well as millions of others. We want to give back and are hopeful that one day every baby will be born healthy. We know that our story isn't the only one of its kind, but it is one that has touched our family and has strengthened us. So many families have needed and continue to need the assistance that the March of Dimes has been able to give.